Great buildings define their environment and shape users’ enjoyment, both within and in the spaces between neighbouring properties. Harrocks provides clear, concise advice to asset owners about how to maximise their buildings’ value and the contribution they make to the places in which they sit.
Harrocks provides its clients – whether occupiers or landlords – with a comprehensive resource covering rent reviews, lease renewals, lease extensions and lease re-structuring.
The changing retail environment has placed greater emphasis than ever on the symbiotic relationship between landlords and tenants and, wherever practicable, we facilitate the necessary mutuality between all parties that can help underpin a profitable relationship.
Our expertise includes providing expert witness support to clients, representing them in rent review arbitration cases and in lease renewal court proceedings.
Image: Golden Square Shopping Centre, Warrington

Our High Streets are changing rapidly as the internet disrupts traditional consumer behaviour. Asset owners are having to re-engineer their whole business models and we have the expertise to help them succeed.
Our work covers the full agency spectrum, from acquisition and disposal, lease re-gears and re-development.
And, in an age where independent retailers will become increasingly important in helping manage down voids and bring variety and creativity to our High Street, we can advise on how to integrate them in to more traditional tenant mixes.
Image: Market Street, Manchester


We provide strategic advice to shopping centre owners across the UK. From major city centre anchors to regional centres and suburban arcades, our expert advice on leasing and asset management services ensures a vibrant tenant mix and strong asset performance. We also regularly provide strategic advice on regeneration issues such as leisure and residential extensions that can help maximise value and drive additional footfall.
We’re as comfortable with the emerging independents as we are with the national multiples, understanding their place in a dynamic and changing retail environment.
Image: St. John’s Shopping Centre, Liverpool

The UK’s out of town retail scene continues to thrive, based on the convenience of free parking, ease of access and an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the role of place-making and entertainment within the overall visitor experience.
Harrocks advises asset owners across the UK on how best to ensure their out of town retail assets remain competitive, profitable and appealing to the public. An increasing focus on integrating leisure and dining experiences is helping many remain competitive and compelling and our expert advisors are in the middle of this changing environment.
Meanwhile, our work with occupiers helps ensure they find the optimal location for their brand and a deal that will help them flourish.
Image: Aintree Racecourse Retail Park, Liverpool


Harrocks provides a range of investment advisory services to private and institutional clients including the acquisition and disposal of retail and leisure property investments.
We rely on knowledge gained from our deep understanding of the occupational market and its dynamics and our close relationship with retailers.
This allows us to understand changes which may affect the market and react to these changes, as well as advising on how they can impact on investment strategies for both acquisitions and disposals.