Harrocks offers bespoke commercial property advice to landlords, developers and occupiers across the UK, with a particular focus on the UK’s dynamic retail sector.
The agency is led by James Harrocks, one of the country’s most respected retail agents with a career-long profile advising blue chip developers, landlords and tenants on all aspects of retail property.
Expertise, reach, insight and exceptional service mark us out. Get in touch to see how we can support your ambitions.

29 Chapel Lane, Formby L37 4DL
SHOP TO LET 29 Chapel Lane, Formby L37 4DL Formby is an affluent Merseyside suburb located approximately 13 miles north of Liverpool, 6 miles south of Southport. The subject property is located on Chapel Lane, the prime retail pitch within the centre of the town. The...
56 St Annes Road West, Lytham St Annes, FY8 1UE
Prominent former Bank Premises To let / May Sell 56 St Annes Road West,Lytham St Annes, FY8 1UE St Annes-on-the-Sea is an affluent and prosperous Lancashire resort and commuter town located approximately 19 miles west of Preston and 5 miles south of Blackpool. The...
1 Chapel Lane, Formby L37 4DN
PROPERTY NOW SOLD 1 Chapel Lane, Formby L37 4DN PROMINENT BUILDING, 3,653 SQ FT Formby is an affluent Merseyside suburb located approximately 13 miles north of Liverpool, 6 miles south of Southport. The subject property is located on Chapel Lane, the prime...
Harrocks Commercial Property Ltd
36 Chapel Ln, Formby, Liverpool L37 4DU, UK
07768 857 688
Harrocks Commercial Property Ltd,
36a Chapel Lane, Formby,
Liverpool L37 4DU.