Harrocks offers bespoke commercial property advice to landlords, developers and occupiers across the UK, with a particular focus on the UK’s dynamic retail sector.
The agency is led by James Harrocks, one of the country’s most respected retail agents with a career-long profile advising blue chip developers, landlords and tenants on all aspects of retail property.
Expertise, reach, insight and exceptional service mark us out. Get in touch to see how we can support your ambitions.

To Let, Retail/leisure space, Coventry CV1 4FA
RETAIL/LEISURE SPACE UNDER OFFER Retail/leisure space, Coventry CV1 4FA 155.5 SQ M – 520.25 SQ M The space is located in City Village, Belgrade Plaza development in Coventry. Nearby occupiers include Premier Inn, Pizza Express, Belgrade Theatre and The...
To Let, Retail/leisure, new-build bar/restaurant premises, Victoria Street, Liverpool L1 6BX
PROPERTY NOW LET Victoria Street, Liverpool L1 6BX Retail/leisure opportunity, new-build bar/restaurant premises These premises comprise high-quality, new-build retail/leisure accommodation forming part of the new Victoria Street multi-storey car park in...
To Let, Units A & B, 14 Aughton St, Ormskirk L39 3BW
PROPERTY NOW LET Units A & B, 14 Aughton Street, Ormskirk L39 3BW Prime single units or option to combine – ground floor The property is located in a busy and prominent position on the pedestrianised section of Aughton Street. Nearby occupiers include...
Harrocks Commercial Property Ltd
36 Chapel Ln, Formby, Liverpool L37 4DU, UK
07768 857 688
Harrocks Commercial Property Ltd,
36a Chapel Lane, Formby,
Liverpool L37 4DU.